Creation then Redemption now Sanctification
God is now calling souls back to the Original Order, Place and Purpose
for which He created mankind—as it was in the Garden of Eden— in order to fulfillthe Lord’s Prayer to the Father, “Thy Will be done on earth as in Heaven.”
“The Holy Spirit wants to give Christians a ‘new and divine holiness’
at the Dawn of the Third Millennium” - Pope John Paul II
About Those Who Live in the Divine Will on Earth as It is Lived in Heaven
Those souls who live in the Divine Will can claim as their own all that God does, because such souls, having abandoned their wills to Jesus, becomes so identified with Him, that all that His Will does, they also do.
When souls who live in the Divine Will pass into Eternity they carry within themselves the Masses celebrated and their prayers and good works, and even more—the action of the Divine Will Itself, one instant of which surpasses the actions of all other creatures combined, who have not lived in the Divine Will. Upon entering Heaven, these souls are met by all the Blessed, who bow their heads and give great honor to the action of the Divine Will in these souls.
These souls, having identified themselves with the Divine Will, upon dying in that Will, acquire such beauty, sanctity, wisdom, love and divine riches that nothing else can be compared with them, for during their lives on earth their every thought, word and deed became so many suns, each differing from the other in light and beauty.
The Divine Will is the prodigy of prodigies and the secret way for souls to find celestial light, divine holiness and all goods.
The Angels that guarded the most holy Humanity of Jesus will guard those who live in His Will. As these souls reflect on the Life, passion and prayers of Jesus, these Angels gather around these souls and gather their words, prayers, compassion and tears, unite them to those of Jesus and present them to the Throne of God. Therefore, these souls who live in the Divine Will should remember that, when they are reading the “Hours of the Passion,” or reflecting upon them, the Angels are very attentive to every word and thought and repeat after these souls what they say!
Jesus told Luisa that there are two stairways to Heaven. He said that those who take the path of the virtues, but not with their wills in continual connection with His Life, ascend by way of wooden stairs, but those who live their lives in His Life (the Life of the Divine Will) ascend to Heaven on golden stairs and can say that they are another Jesus and that their acts are Divine and of incalculable value, in spite of the fact that these souls are hidden in Him and are almost unknown. But in Heaven they will be well known.
Jesus told Luisa that his Kingdom is formed by those who live in his Will and that He appoints them to different offices in that Kingdom, placing everything under their dominion. Those who live in the Divine Will are the depositories of the Divine Will and Its defenders, for they understand the greatness and sanctity of the Divine Will .
These souls are eager to defend God’s rights and love Him with true and disinterested Love, similar to His. Those who live in the Divine Will imitate Jesus in His zeal to recompense His Father by uniting their adoration of the Father with that of Jesus in the twinkling of the stars, in each drop of light of the Sun, the flowing of the waters of the rivers and seas, the winds of the atmosphere, in each plant and flower. These souls, by living in the Divine Will, become the echo of the voice of Jesus. They repeat his Life and are the perfect glory of Creation.
The souls who live in the Divine Will are the most faithful to Jesus, and He unburdens Himself with them, placing his trust in them. Their cross and sanctity resemble that of Jesus. For those who live in His Will, Jesus forms his Real Life, as He does in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.
The acts of the souls who live in the Divine Will are animated by that same Will and acquire the eternal and divine attributes of the Eternal Will. Jesus spoke to Luisa of the immense happiness awaiting them in Heaven for those who have lived in the Divine Will on earth. Such souls will participate in all the joys and goods that the Divine Will contains in such a way that all the joys of the Divine Will are held in common with these souls. Those who live in the Divine Will should not consider themselves as earthly citizens but as citizens of Heaven. Living in the Divine Will is very different from only doing the Divine Will, and those who have had the incredible grace to live in It are bound to an eternal point, operate together with the Divine Will and are enveloped by an invincible strength.