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Welcome to Korea Fr. Cedric Alimbuyong

Welcome to Korea Fr. Cedric Alimbuyong
Fr. Cedric replaces Fr. Dong Marcaida. Have a happy, fruitful and blessed days with us all!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


· Fr. Glenn Flies to the U.S.A. The second MSP missionary to the North America has left last July 7, 2008. Fr. Glenn Giovanni Jaron, MSP will join Fr. Alfie Africa in the new US mission in Sacramento, California. Fr. Glenn spends a few days in South Korea, his former mission assignment for a medical check up. He departed Korea to the US last July 11, 2008.

· Fr. Go Llubit, MSP leaves for Cook Islands.
The MISSION SEND-OFF rites for Fr. Gorgonio “Go” Llubit, Jr., MSP took place last June 10, 2008 at the MSP Central House Chapel. The ceremonies were witnessed by the Central House residents, some seminarians and lay friends. Fr. Go expressed his excitement to be sent to the Cook Islands, although he was also aware the challenges and difficulties he may encounter there.
To :All MSP Members
From: Rev. Fr. Socrates Mesiona
MSP Father Moderator

This coming July 27, 2008 we will celebrate Fil_Mission Sunday. As you all know this day is allotted for us in the Mission Society of the Philippines. Hence, it is our day!

In this regard, may I ask you to support the activities and programs organized by the National Promotion Office. Please do not hesitate to lend a helping hand to make the celebration a success.

Likewise, I also encourage those working overseas to make activities and programs in your respective areas to celebrate Fil-Mission Sunday.

The theme for this year’s celebration is ”Celebrating and Appropriating Paul’s Passion for Mission in Asia and Beyond.

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