It was raining when 129 participants of the Changhyun Filipino CatholicCommunity (CFCC) departed Songsaeng, Kongdan in the afternoon of July 12, 2008 bound for Jumunjin, Kangwondu province. The three bus load of commuters fixed their navigational map on the way to the beach.. Everybody was overjoyed and excited to wash their tired bodies offshore. Travelling with high spirits divided into three teams (Blue, White and Red), the group was full of excitements with matching vedeoke singing renditions along the way. Merienda was serve “panawid gutom” while travelling. Travel time was estimated to last four hours. We had two stop over to relieve our tired bodies and do some adjustments inside a modern comfort rooms.
The first trial came into the heels when we failed to locate the camping site. We pass by Jumunjin church but the door locked and it was already midnight. Fr. John of the Guri Migrants center was our savior when he called up and instructed the drivers where to go. Upon arrival, the murmurs and complaints was overheard because what we expect was far beyond. The place was on top of the mountain, a camping site for parishioners. Hungry and angry of what had happened, we took our late dinner and celebrate the Holy Eucharist at 2:00am. Some where shouting “napeke tayo, ang sarap matulog sa bahay bakit ditto tayo ang daming lamok? It was already July 13, the second day of community outing.
After breakfast, everybody went to the beach and we enjoy the clear and beautiful Jumunjin beach. The frustrations and complains was changed into admiration-thanking God for a wonderful day. The one shouting “napeke tayo” changed his slogan into “wow ang ganda pala” It was an experience worth remembering.
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